Timeline for Duke Nukem Forever

Item identification

Initial release estimate

Duke Nukem Forever's initial release estimate (as announced on April 28, 1997) was "mid-1998" [source: Wikipedia].

This is a really tough one to put a date on, because I'm quite sure the announcement was never meant to be considered specific. The best I can do is pose the question this way: "What is the last day of 1998 that would still reasonably be considered 'mid-1998'?".

We generally break the year up into four sections; businesses do it by fiscal quarter, and outside of work we do it by seasons. Given that, if I define the second and third quarters as the "inner half" of the year (in other words, April through September), then the last day of "mid-1998" would be September 30, 1998 (with a valid release possible until 23:59:59 in the "last" time zone).

Actual release

Duke Nukem Forever released on June 10, 2011 [source: Wikipedia], giving it a final vaporware duration of 400,370,401 seconds.

There are separate dates listed for "worldwide" and "North America" releases, and I'm not sure exactly what "worldwide" means in terms of time zones; given that fact, the most reasonable determination I can make is that the game was available everywhere in the world besides North America on June 10.

Data table

Event Relevant time zone UTC Epoch (UNIX time)
Initial release estimate 1998-09-30 23:59:59 UTC-1200 1998-10-01 11:59:59 UTC 907243199
Actual release 2011-06-10 00:00:00 UTC+1400 2011-06-09 10:00:00 UTC 1307613600